OUR RESPONSIBILITIES:                                                                              

To achieve the summary policy objectives listed in 1. above, it is Management Policy to:

  • Provide equipment and systems of work that are safe and free from risks to health.

  • Provide physical features within the House, e.g. stairways, furniture, and fittings etc that are safe and suitable for their intended use.

  • Provide an efficient power supply within the House that will ensure adequate heating, lighting, and sanitation.

  • Ensure that all staff have the necessary experience and capability to carry out the tasks they will be expected to undertake. This will be supported by continuous staff training programme.

  • Ensure that Support staff working with service worker that may exhibit challenging behavior are properly protected through appropriate risk assessments and back-up management policies.

  • Ensure the absence of risks to health in connection with the use, storage, and handling of substances by carrying out an assessment of their effects, as required by the latest edition of the C.O.S.H.H. Regulations and implementing all control measures found to be necessary.

  • Provide such information, instruction, training, and supervision as may be necessary to ensure the Health and Safety of all staff and any visitors to the House. To ensure that all staff receive the appropriate training relative to their job duties and are fully aware of any hazards which may arise whilst undertaking them and the precautions to be adopted.

  • To consider all Health and Safety factors when procuring equipment, obtaining new services, or when changing procedures or work patterns. To ensure that all necessary safety precautions are taken, and that necessary safety instruction(s) have been understood.

The aims of safeguarding adults Policy at CCH
❖ To stop abuse or neglect wherever possible.
❖ Prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care and support
needs. Safeguard adults in a way that supports them in making choices and having control
about how they want to live.
❖ Promote an approach that concentrates on improving life for the adults concerned. Raise
public awareness so that communities, alongside professionals, play their part in identifying
and preventing abuse and neglect.
❖ Provide information and support in accessible ways to help people understand the different
types of abuse, how to stay safe and what to do to raise a concern about the safety or
wellbeing of an adult.
❖ All safeguarding work with adults should be based on the following principles.
• The empowerment of adults underpins all safeguarding adults' work.
• The focus of safeguarding adults should always be to identify and endeavor to meet
the desired outcomes of the adult. Every person has a right to live a life free from
abuse, neglect, and fear.
The Management of the House is committed to the following principles regarding the abuse of
service users:
It is recognised that abuse can and does occur in society, and that this may take the following
❖ verbal abuse / threats
❖ racial / sectarian abuse
❖ financial abuse
❖ emotional / psychological abuse
❖ sexual abuse / harassment
❖ physical abuse / violence
The fundamental responsibility of the House is to ensure the welfare and protection of the service
users. It is therefore our policy that any staff member who does not possess a valid and current
CRB Disclosure Certificate is never left alone with a young person All staff will receive appropriate
training at the Induction stage in abuse of the young person. This training will focus upon the
following elements:
The source of the abuse, which can arise as follows:
❖ abuse by a third party - unknown.
❖ abuse by a third party - a member of staff of the House.
❖ self-inflicted abuse.
The handling of suspected and / or alleged abuse, which will focus on 4 issues:
❖ familiarization with the signs of abuse.
❖ providing comfort, support, and reassurance to the service user.
❖ establishing a clearly defined reporting procedure to management (see 3. below).
❖ ensuring that the service users and family members, where appropriate are familiar with the
Complaints Procedure, and how to use it.
For the purposes of this Policy abuse will be classified into the following 4 categories:
❖ physical injury
❖ sexual abuse
❖ emotional abuse
❖ neglect